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The Dance Of java

Kamis, 18 September 2014
Kuda lumping also called jaran kepang "is a dance or a traditional Javanese showing a group of soldiers riding Center. This dance uses a horse made of bamboo or other material in the shape resemble anyam and truncated horses, decorated with plastic imitation of hair or the like which gelung or in braids. Webbing workhorse is decorated with colourful fabrics and paints. Kuda lumping dance usually only showing scenes of soldiers on horseback, but some appearance of kuda lumping also feature attractions, immunity, and possessed magical powers, such as the attraction of eating beling and immune against flogging his whip. Though this dance originated in Java, Indonesia, this dance was also inherited by the Javanese who settled in Northern Sumatra and in some areas outside of Indonesia such as in Malaysia, Suriname, Hong Kong, Japan and the United States.

Kuda lumping is the art of dance, played with a mock horse property, made of woven bamboo or other materials with decorated plastic imitation of hair or the like which gelung or in braids, so on the Java community is often referred to as jaran kepang. Nothing in the historical record was able to explain the origins of this dance, only a verbal history passed down from one generation to the next.

Allegedly, dance trance dance is kuda lumping. There is also a version that mentions, that dance kuda lumping depicting a beautiful youth forces as white-haired Horseman Jathil gold, gold tail, as well as having wings of gold that helps battle against troops of riders bantarangin Royal boar of the legends series reyog lodaya in the 8th century.

Apart from its historical value and the origin of dance, kuda lumping reflect the spirit bomb, and military aspects of a cavalry or cavalry. This is apparent from the rhythmic movements, dynamic, and aggressive, flicks through bamboo, mimicked the movements like a horse in the middle of the war.

Often in the dance performance, kuda lumping also features attractions that showcases the power of supernatural smells, such as magical attractions to chew glass, slashing the arm with a machete, burn himself, walking on broken glass, and others. Maybe, this reflects the attraction power of the supernatural in ancient Javanese Kingdoms flourished in the environment, and the non-military aspects is used to counteract the forces of Netherlands.

In East Java, the art is familiar with communities in some areas, such as latrines, the space under the bridge, railway, and other areas. This dance is usually displayed on the specific events, such as a welcome guest of honor, and as thanks, on behalf of his that was granted by the Almighty.

In pementasanya, kuda lumping dance using glass, beling, rocks, and amulets. The dancers kuda lumping very crazy

In addition to contain elements of entertainment and religion, traditional art kuda lumping is often also contain elements of ritual. Because before a show begins, usually a handler will perform rain rituals, to maintain the weather to keep bright given the performances is usually done in the open field.

Java Also Released Music Genre

Rabu, 17 September 2014
Gamelan is traditional ensemble music of Java and Bali in Indonesia, made up predominantly of percussive instruments. The most common instruments are metallophones played by mallets as well as a set of hand played drums called kendhang which register the beat. Other instruments include xylophones, bamboo flutes, bowed instrument called rebab, and even vocalists called sindhen.
Although the popularity of gamelan has declined since the introduction of pop music, gamelan is still commonly played in formal occasions and in many traditional Indonesian ceremonies. For most Indonesians, gamelan is an integral part of Indonesian culture.
They are distinguished by their collection of instruments and use of voice, tunings, repertoire, style, and cultural context. In general, no two gamelan ensembles are the same, and those that arose in prestigious courts are often considered to have their own style. Certain styles may also be shared by nearby ensembles, leading to a regional style.
The varieties are generally grouped geographically, with the principal division between the styles favored by the Balinese, Javanese, and Sundanese peoples. The Madurese also had their own style of gamelan, although it is no longer in use, and the last orchestra is kept at the Sumenep palace. Sundanese gamelan is often associated with Gamelan Degung, a Sundanese musical ensemble that utilises a subset of modified gamelan instruments with a particular mode of pelog scale. Balinese gamelan is often associated with the virtuosity and rapid changes of tempo and dynamics of Gamelan gong kebyar, its best-known style. Other popular Balinese styles include Gamelan and kecak, also known as the "monkey chant." Javanese gamelan was largely dominated by the courts of the 19th century central Javanese rulers, each with its own style, but overall is known for a slower, more meditative style than that of Bali. Although Javanese gamelan can be made from steel, the better instruments are made of cast brass. The two kinds of instruments are tuned in different ways.
Outside of the main core on Java and Bali, gamelans have spread through migration and cultural interest, new styles sometimes resulting as well. Malay gamelans are designed in ways that are similar to the Javanese gamelan except they lack most of the elaborating instruments and are tuned in a near-equidistant slendro, often using a western B or C as a tuning basis. Javanese emigrants to Suriname play gamelan in a style close to that found in Central Javanese villages. Gamelan is also related to the Filipino kulintang ensemble. There is also a wide variety of gamelan in the West, including both traditional and experimental ensembles.
In oral Javanese culture distinctions are made between complete or incomplete, archaic and modern, and large standard and small village gamelan. The various archaic ensembles are distinguished by their unique combinations of instruments and possession of obsolete instruments such as the bell-tree (byong) in the 3-toned gamelan kodhok ngorek. Regionally variable village gamelan are often distinguished from standard gamelan (which have the rebab as the main melodic instrument) by their inclusion of a double-reed wind (selompret, slompret, or sompret) in addition to variable drum and gong components, with some also including the shaken bamboo angklung or other instruments not usually associated with gamelan.

Etymology Of Java

The origins of the name "Java" are not clear. One possibility is that the island was named after the jáwa-wut plant, which was said to be common in the island during the time, and that prior to Indianization the island had different names. There are other possible sources: the word jaú and its variations mean "beyond" or "distant". And, in Sanskrit yava means barley, a plant for which the island was famous. "Yawadvipa" is mentioned in India's earliest epic, the Ramayana. Sugriva, the chief of Rama's army dispatched his men to Yawadvipa, the island of Java, in search of Sita. It was hence referred to in Indian by the Sanskrit name "yāvaka dvīpa" (dvīpa = island). Another source states that the "Java" word is derived from a Proto-Austronesian root word, meaning 'home'.


Java (Indonesian: Jawa; Javanese is an island of Indonesia. With a population of 143 million, Java is the world's most populous island, and one of the most densely populated places in the world. Java is the home of 57 percent of the Indonesian population. The Indonesian capital city, Jakarta, is located on western Java. Much of Indonesian history took place on Java. It was the center of powerful Hindu-Buddhist empires, the Islamic sultanates, and the core of the colonial Dutch East Indies. Java was also the center of the Indonesian struggle for independence during the 1930s and 40s. Java dominates Indonesia politically, economically and culturally.
Formed mostly as the result of volcanic eruptions, Java is the 13th largest island in the world and the fifth largest island in Indonesia. A chain of volcanic mountains forms an east-west spine along the island. It has three main languages, with Javanese being the dominant language; it is the native language of about 60 million people in Indonesia, most of whom live on Java. Most of its residents are bilingual, with Indonesian as their first or second language. While the majority of the people of Java are Muslim, Java has a diverse mixture of religious beliefs, ethnicities, and cultures.
Java is divided into four provinces, West Java, Central Java, East Java, and Banten, and also two special regions, Jakarta and Yogyakarta.


Keris adalah senjata tikam golongan belati (berujung runcing dan tajam pada kedua sisinya) dengan banyak fungsi budaya yang dikenal di kawasan Nusantara bagian barat dan tengah. Bentuknya khas dan mudah dibedakan dari senjata tajam lainnya karena tidak simetris di bagian pangkal yang melebar, seringkali bilahnya berkelok-kelok, dan banyak di antaranya memiliki pamor (damascene), yaitu terlihat serat-serat lapisan logam cerah pada helai bilah. Jenis senjata tikam yang
memiliki kemiripan dengan keris adalah badik. Senjata tikam lain asli Nusantara adalah kerambit.
Pada masa lalu keris berfungsi sebagai senjata dalam duel/peperangan, sekaligus sebagai benda pelengkap sesajian. Pada penggunaan masa kini, keris lebih merupakan benda aksesori (ageman) dalam berbusana, memiliki sejumlah simbol budaya, atau menjadi benda koleksi yang dinilai dari segi estetikanya.
Penggunaan keris tersebar pada masyarakat penghuni wilayah yang pernah terpengaruh oleh Majapahit, seperti Jawa, Madura, Nusa Tenggara, Sumatera, pesisir Kalimantan, sebagian Sulawesi, Semenanjung Malaya, Thailand Selatan, dan Filipina Selatan (Mindanao). Keris Mindanao dikenal sebagai kalis. Keris di setiap daerah memiliki kekhasan sendiri-sendiri dalam penampilan, fungsi, teknik garapan, serta peristilahan.

Asal-usul keris belum sepenuhnya terjelaskan karena tidak ada sumber tertulis yang deskriptif mengenainya dari masa sebelum abad ke-15, meskipun penyebutan istilah "keris" telah tercantum pada prasasti dari abad ke-9 Masehi. Kajian ilmiah perkembangan bentuk keris kebanyakan didasarkan pada analisis figur di relief candi atau patung. Sementara itu, pengetahuan mengenai fungsi keris dapat dilacak dari beberapa prasasti dan laporan-laporan penjelajah asing ke Nusantara.
Senjata tajam dengan bentuk yang diduga menjadi sumber inspirasi pembuatan keris dapat ditemukan pada peninggalan-peninggalan perundagian dari Kebudayaan Dongson dan Tiongkok selatan. Dugaan pengaruh kebudayaan Tiongkok Kuna dalam penggunaan senjata tikam, sebagai cikal-bakal keris, dimungkinkan masuk melalui kebudayaan Dongson (Vietnam) yang merupakan "jembatan" masuknya pengaruh kebudayaan Tiongkok ke Nusantara. Sejumlah keris masa kini untuk keperluan sesajian memiliki gagang berbentuk manusia (tidak distilir seperti keris modern), sama dengan belati Dongson, dan menyatu dengan bilahnya.

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